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Live from Katmandu. #NoMoreApathy

#NoMoreApathy. Apathy does not help anyone. It does not help the town, the community, the country, the world and it definitely does not help the individual self. This is a raw video from Kathmandu Nepal. I was walking in the bazaars and came across this scene. The contents of the video may make us a bit uncomfortable, even disturbing but that is exactly what is needed to move from apathy to empathy. There are a lot of people in the world who can benefit from our support, even with the smallest acts of kindness. It sends a message that someone cares!

The link to support the book campaign is here

The key message of this two-part video is don’t forget those that need your help and ACT. It doesn’t matter if your act of kindness is small or big, it will set you on a path of empowerment infused with empathy. Your actions could be geared to solve a problem in the world whether it is along the lines of youth empowerment, education, health, climate change, gender equality, income equality or diversity – there are many different causes to get behind and all that is needed is action. When you go out there to change lives the first one you change is your own. I want to recognize all those that are backing my e-book campaign, you are all here with me at the moment as we find grass-root opportunities to lend a helping hand to those that need it the most.